Clive Lewis For Norwich South

I had the honour of welcoming Noga Levy-Rapoport and Al Shadjerah, two key organisers from UK School Climate Network, to my office last week. In the context of the Extinction Rebellion protests across London (and the world), we discussed the Green New Deal, the barriers to it, and how, if it all, we can possibly save ourselves from impending climate doom.
I fundamentally believe that the fight against the impending climate crisis is a fight against inequality, meaning that it is essential for the Labour Party to have swift and radical plans to de-carbonise our economy as soon as we get into power.
It is our responsibility to show the public what a Green New Deal could mean for transforming the lives of workers and communities across the UK. We must harness the public interest to help us deliver an ambitious programme to drastically reduce our emissions by 2030, and allow communities to have a say in what they want their future to look like.
We need a radical change, and we need it now.
You can read the full interview here: